Yearbooks can now be pre-purchased for $35 until April 20th, 2020!

Order Your Business and Recognition Ads Now!!! Available for purchase until 4/1/2020 




All submissions will be on display at the 

 HHE Art Show Saturday May 5th, 2020 at the Description: C:\Users\MarthaW7\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\RIL9JB7Z\2008b logo black.jpg 


ParentsPlease read the guidelines with your children

All submissions will be displayed at an HHE Art Show held at the Arts and Cultural Center of Hollywood. Winners will be chosen by the ACCH board. 1st and 2nd place of each grade will be included in the yearbook. The 1st overall winner will be featured as the 2019-2020 YEARBOOK COVER and receive a free yearbook!

We encourage students to use BRIGHT colors, markers, watercolors, or anything that makes it show us what the HHE ADVENTURE means to you and keep with the theme, but go wherever your creativity wants to adventure. Please fill the entire page!

Drawings must be on 8½- by 11-inch paper in VERTICAL position.

Thanks to all for your support!

Submit your original artwork by: 1/13/2020