On Friday October 18th we will be having our 3rd annual Trunk or Treat Event! Bring the kids out for some fall fun with their classmates!
It will be held on campus in the West side Car loop from 6-9pm. Win prizes in our Costume and Trunk Contest! There will be food trucks and our favorite DJ! Food and drink will be available from purchase. Please bring CASH. Some vendors may accept credit cards, but some may not, and the PTA table cannot accept credit cards that night.
If you are interested in decorating your trunk, please email the PTA at hhepta@yahoo.com There is a $5 charge to participate and hold your spot in the parking lot.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with the event (passing out candy) please visit the PTA's memberhub web site at: https://hollywoodhillselementary.memberhub.com/
CANDY CONTEST: Between now and October 17th, we are collecting candy donations through each classroom. Send in your candy (in unopened bags) to your child's teacher. The class within each grade that collects the most candy, by weight, will be rewarded with a popsicle party.